although I have to admit that I didn't really go anywhere this time, other than silently recovering from my vacation (really needed the vacation after the vacation). for the past week, I've been playing catch up and dealing with the over powering jet lag. I remember the days when it only took a day to re-adjust myself - well those days are long gone, this time around it has taken me over a week. I hate to admit it, but I think I'm getting older.
but on the plus side... at least I get to stay up late and scrap to my heart desire (well kind off - still haven't gotten around to working it the restoration collection yet), but I do have some layouts to share...
first up is this layout that I started before leaving for barcelona... finishing off the remaining bits and pieces of lily bee as I make room for all the new goodies to come. I know the wonderful ladies in the states have already received theirs, so I'm keeping my fingers cross that I'll get to play with them really soooooon.

the pictures are a bit old - but this amazing structure always awe me everytime I look at it. isn't it something that this temple has with stood the test of time and remains here for us to see and enjoy. although, it is a shame that the greedy nature of humans have managed to destory the perfect picture - missing buddha statues or heads.

and at the moment, love mixing different textures in my layout - from the doilie to the burlap - to give the pages a different look and feel.
also finally, I get the chance to share (in full) the tags that I had made for the swap that we had yesterday.... I just adore these flowers that were made using crepe paper and yes, you soon will be seeing these everywhere on my blog - just went out grab 8 more colors to experiment with. and thank you ladies for all the amazing tags that I got back from the swap, its super fun to just see everyone's creations and also a chance to scrap with you guys (although it was for a super short time only)...

also is anyone having problems with photobucket? sometimes I am able to open their site and somethings the web reports that the site can't be found. something similar also happens on my blog, at times I'm able to display the pictures and sometimes not....its driving me crazy. any help would be great.
thanks for dropping by & do check back later in the week as I have a few more layouts to share.