I know I know, I'm late in posting this... but just ran out of time yesterday in getting the details up on the blog.... (but hopefully I can make up with the second one... **wink**)
and so... without further adieu...

the lucky person who will get to play with all the goodies is....
CONGRATS!!! Please drop me an email with your contact details and hopefully we would be able to meet up this weekend.
....and that's not all, yes there's another
giveaway!!! I'm still in the process of cleaning (and clearing) my scrapping area and realized that I had a few duplicated items. Therefore anyone interested in these?

what's up for grab is a USED cutting mat (size 16" by 22" - still in good condition), a USED trimmer (please note that one of the edges underneath is broken but still cuts perfectly), four NEW packs of thicker shapes and one NEW pack of 5.5" by 8.5" bazzill cardstock.
If you;re interested, please leave a comment on this post by
midnight Saturday Nov 27th. Sorry this post is only open to those in Singapore due to the high overseas shipping costs, but promise that there'll be something for everyone very soon **wink**.
Thanks again & off to catch up on some emails...